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Collaborators on  “Climate Stories”


Guardians of the Ice

Guardians of the Ice have captured the awe-inspiring images of the iconic Columbia Icefield in the Canadian Rockies. Their purpose: to effectively engage the public to build support for a low-carbon future; to ignite widespread environmental stewardship in our communities leading to committed action that will tackle the challenge of global warming in practical and meaningful ways.


 The 2025 Glacier Year is both a celebration of the utter beauty of our glaciated lands and joy we share in experiencing them, Join the call to action to recognize the impacts that shifting snow and ice dynamics will have, and are already having, on the lives of everyday people. In Canada, we know already that ice and snow matter. But we need to do more to translate that knowledge into action.

Biosphere Institute

The Biosphere Institute invites Bow Valley residents, visitors, and businesses to take local action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. They organize participatory public workshops and community-based projects for low carbon transportation, energy efficient buildings, renewable energy, and waste.