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The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft, launched from Earth in 1970s entered interstellar space in 2012. A recording imprinted on a gold plated disc was mounted on the spacecraft with instructions to extraterrestrials for decoding. Renown astrophysicist Carl Sagan and his team curated the recording. It included natural sounds such as surf, wind and thunder, birds, whales, and other animals. To this they added musical selections from different cultures and eras, including works from Louis Armstrong, Mozart, Bach and Chuck Berry. The golden record also contained spoken greetings from Earthlings in fifty-five languages.

In Earth Year 2091, the Voyageur 1 spacecraft was intercepted by an extraterrestrial exploration vessel originating from Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, some 25,000 light years from Earth. The golden record was finally used for its intended purpose. The information on Earth’s coordinates was used to organize the first of many extraterrestrial missions to our blue planet.

August 2, 2092 was the historic day of first contact. In stark contrast to the typical sci-fi depictions of malevolent monsters, the real visitors to Earth were helpful,  compassionate and eager to provide suggestions to improve our human condition. They welcomed Earthlings into the community of peaceful, enlightened space travellers, and changed the course of Human history, forever……

Have Hope and Take Action - Golden Record


A golden record
Sent beyond the stars
A bottled message
Floats on oceans far
Will you hear us?
With your alien ears?
Sounds of thunder in the storm
Sounds of waves upon the shore
Sounds of birds singing in chorus
Sounds of life in Emerald forests
If you hear this
Will you want to come?
Back to earth
Where the sounds come from
If you find us
Will you be friend or foe?
Sounds of jazz and symphony
Melody and harmony
Bach and Mozart and Stravinsky
Louis Armstrong and Chuck Berry
Well the white man keeps his distance
From the one who’s coloured brown
And they call each other Aliens
Till the real ones come around
Then they realize their differences
Are just tricks within their minds
And the myth of “Human Enemy”
Is just a lie
SPOKEN – Lunar Space Telescope to mission control. This is not a drill. We have confirmation of an Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon. Uhhh…there’s a cluster of objects approaching our solar system in quadrant 3 at 800 km per second.. Umm…this is not a drill…or a joke. Can I get some help down here?
When you came
You took us by surprise
Gazing into
Phosphorescent eyes
You came to help us
Learn your peaceful ways
To Have enough for everybody
To Treat every race equally
To Keep our planet’s engine going
To save our water keep it flowing
Sounds of sharing our possessions
Sounds of putting down our weapons
Sounds of keeping Earthdom clean
Sounds of being what we dream